◎フットケアスペシャリストのいるサロン FOOT MEISTER
- 爪のトラブル >>
- 巻爪や陥入爪など、爪の周りに傷ができ炎症を起こしやすくなります。
- 魚の目・タコ >>
- 足の皮膚が黄色っぽく変色してい、時には痛みを伴います。
- 外反母趾 >>
- 拇指が外側に曲がった状態。痛み伴い不定愁訴の原因になります。
- 踵のガサガサ >>
- 足底部、特に踵の近縁に肥厚があり、深い亀裂が入るとかなりの痛みを伴います。
- むくみ >>
- だるさ・痛みを伴うこともあるむくみ・浮腫はフットケアをすることで改善していきます。
- 静脈瘤 >>
- 足がよくつる方は静脈瘤の疑いもあります。フットケアで足の循環状況を整えていきましょう。
- There are calluses on the soles of the feet and on the toes.
- The skin is partially thick and yellowish.
- The keratin has a small core inside. You feel strong pain when you walk.
- The sole is dry and rough.
- Both sides of the nail have become brown or white.
- Dirt tends to be deposited beside the nail.
- You feel pain in the toes, at the base of the toes, the plantar arch, or the heel.
- You cannot fully stretch or close the toes.
- You are embarrassed for someone to see your feet.
- Your toes are constantly bent & it is painful to fully stretch them.
◎In our clinic...
Our podiatrists handle each patient politely and provide guidance on prevention and recovery.
We provide a completely private space.
We commit ourselves to a clean environment. We use as many disposable items as possible, and instruments are fully cleaned, disinfected, and sterilized.
(Personal files and reducers are kept seperate.)