
Profile of Yukiyo Yokoyama

※Podiatrist/Modern Dancer/Choreographer

Yukiyo Yokoyama started modern dancing at age 18.

However, she later hurt her feet, which led to her interest in foot treatment. While studying foot massage, she then became interested in podiatry.

She acquired skills in podiatry in European countries. After carrying out research and development of foot-related items, she opened the first podiatry center in the Kansai area in 1994.

When Osaka University Hospital opened the Diabetes Foot Care Outpatient Department in 2002, she gave technical guidance in podiatry as a lecturer.

In 2004, she conducted workshops etc. in the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University as activities for the technological advancement of foot treatment.

Since 2002, she has been a volunteer for providing foot care for residents of the facility for the mentally-challenged, whereas she has studied the relationship between the disorder of the foot area and impairment of walking among the mentally-challenged, and her presentation in this area at the World Congress of Podiatry held in Boston in August, 2004 was critically acclaimed.


「知的障害者の歩行困難と足部障害Impaired mobility and foot disorders among mentally handicapped patients」ボストンで開かれた第18回国際足治療学会(FIP World Congress of Podiatry 18th)で発表、高い評価を受ける。
「Foot care for the mentally challenged : Treatment of foot disorders」デンマークで開かれた19回国際足治療学会(FIP World Congress of Podiatry 19th)発表。知的障害者の足部障害についての継続的な研究を高く評価される。
「足の角質肥厚性病変に対するヨクイニン服用とフットケアの効果」「The effect of footcare and yokuinin on hyperkeratosis-related symptoms of the foot」オランダで開かれた第20回国際足治療学会(FIP World Congress of Podiatry 20th)において発表。
  • 世界足治療学会の幹部ミーティングにて

  • FIP世界ポダイアトリー協会の前会長Madam Joze(右)USAバリー大学の前校長、名誉教授Mr.Chet Evans(左)と

  • FIP国際学会で「知的障害者の足部障害の改善」を発表

  • FIP2010 World Congress of Podiatrists 「足の角質肥厚性病変に対するヨクイニン服用とフットケアの効果」を発表